Thursday, October 20, 2005

Exercise and Fitness

This is where I'll post excercise and fitness tips.

So begin with.... I'll start with something that's the MOST beneficial and easiest to do....


Do it 40 minutes a day, straight. Go outsite and walk somewhere for 20 minutes, then turn around and walk back home. It's surprisingly easy, and there's very little training involved!

I'll add much more.... but start by going here:

The Benefits of Walking


As for myself.... my job and hobbies are pretty much active. Under the experience and advisement of Kristen, I started taking Yoga. There are literally a bahjillion web sites that hit all angles of Yoga.... whether it be for mental, spiritual, or physical improvement. My yoga school is walking distance from my condo and the students and instructors are really nice.

Benefits of Yoga
Benefits of Yoga


At 12:49 PM, Blogger Francis Pineda said...


I jus got back from my first day of snowboarding. I totally remember what it was like to be dependent on Celebrex and Ibuprofen.

I am SO SORE right now. I'm still going to try and lean towards alternative cures for my soreness..

I'm drawing up an epsom salt bath. And going to buy some tumeric... Not as quick a fix as Celebrex... but we'll see.


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