Thursday, October 20, 2005

Food and Diet

This is the food and diet section

I'll pretty much just tell you what's in my fridge and pantry. We can leave comments and questions on anything here. At first I didn't want to, because it really seems extreme. But it was such a gradual change, I didn't even notice myself. Basically, since I can control what I eat at home, I chose to eat what was best. So... pretty much all organic. Unfortunatley I can't cook worth crap, so everything is really simple. I might not have many links and I tried to link the actual brands I use, but here's what I usually always have stocked:

Chicken (Whole Foods naturally raised)
Eggs (Happy Hen, Pleasant View Farms)

Baby Bok Choy
Pineapple (Whole)

Orange Juice (Whole Foods 365 Organic Brand)
** Goat's Milk
** San Pelligrino

Manna Bread
Brown Rice (Bulk Organic)
Raw Almonds (Bulk Organic)

Simply Organic Spices
Peanut Butter
Almond Butter
Hot Sauce (Whole Foods 365 Organic Brand)
Habanero Sauce
Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar
Evaporated Cane Juice (Bulk Organic)
** Olive Oil
** Soy Sauce
** Sriracha Sauce

Junk Food:
Dark Chocolate
Chocolate Chip Cookies
Chips (Wholefoods, Blue Chip Organic)
French Fries
Ben and Jerry's
Food/Energy Bar

** Not certified organic

Other Stuff I'll get from time to time:
Goji Berries
Pasta Sauce
Trinity Bottled Water

Based on what I was eating before, the only things that took some getting used to (aside from kicking soda) was going from jasmine rice to brown rice and going from regular milk to goat's milk.

Organic is more expensive, but not THAT much more expensive. Buy smart...spend a little time shopping around. Then grocery shopping will be easy...

Besides, isn't the cost all about how you prioritize and the choices you make? I may spend a little more a month on food that's good for me, but then again, I don't drive a BMW or Lexus and have a $600-$700 payment a month. As a matter of fact, I haven't had a car or motorcycle payment since 1992.

Now don't get me wrong. I'm not a fanatic and hardcore outside of my own home. There's nothing I hate more than eating at a restaurant with a Vegan who just complains and tries to convert you. Yes, I enjoy food and I actually like tasting my food. I'll enjoy a nice fat burger and fries from In and Out burger every once in a while. I eat out at restaurants all the time. I always eat lunch out. I just don't make a habit out of eating bad and I make smarter choices when I can. A burger and fries once in a while won't kill you, but the sloooow accumulation of the toxins, pesticides, chemicals, flour, HFCS, hydrogenated oils, hormones, etc... will.

The ONLY think I am adamant about is eating at a fast food joint. Especially McDonald's.....

Oh... seafood. I'll find some links. But usually wild-caught is better than farm-raised. The main reason is that in a farm-raised environment, it's controlled. Therefore, the feed will have antibiotics and growth hormones in it. Wild-caught is exactly what you think it is. The only bad thing, being price. And as far as seafood in general, you have to deal with the heavy metals and toxic waste in the water. Jaques Cousteau gave up eating seafood in 1972. Not because he loved our friends inthe sea, but because he knew the crap people dumped in the water. From what I understand, the best seafood capable of eliminating al the bad stuff are things with BOTH scales and fins. So, most fish. No eels, shark, octopus. And of course detritus feeders eat anything, including waste, and decomposing matter such as shrimp, oysters, and lobster. That seems like a lot. Personally, I'm an oyster and sea urchin (uni sushi) fanatic. I don't eat it every day, but I really enjoy it when I do.

Why don't people eat pork? It's not really a religious thing. There are a TON of links on why pork (especially not fully cooked) is bad for you. Something to do with microbes, bacteria, etc. From what I found, this is usually apparent in meat from animals that are carnivores. Pigs, dogs, monkeys, alligator, snake, and other exotics.

[VINCENT] You want some bacon?
[JULES] No, man, I don't eat pork.
[VINCENT] Are you Jewish ?
[JULES] No, I ain't Jewish, i just don't dig on swine, that's all.
[VINCENT] Why not?
[JULES] Pigs are filthy animals. I don't eat filthy animals.
[VINCENT] But bacon tastes good, pork chops taste good...
[JULES] Hey, sewer rat may taste like pumpkin pie, But I'd never know 'cause I wouldn't eat the filthy ******. Pigs sleep and root in ****, that's a filthy animal. I don't eat nothin' that ain't got sense enough to disregard its own feces.
[VINCENT] How about a dog? A dog eats its own feces
[JULES] I don't eat dog either
[VINCENT] Yeah, but do you consider a dog to be a filthy animal?
[JULES] I wouldn't go so far as to call a dog filthy, but it's definately dirty. But, dogs got personality, personality goes a long way.
[VINCENT] So by that rationale, if a pig had a better personality, he would cease to be a filty animal. Is that true?
[JULES] We' have to be talkin' 'bout one charmin' ************ pig. I mean he'd have to be ten times more charmin' than that Arnold on Green Acres, you know what I'm sayin'?

As far as diet goes, my worse habit is my eating times. It's a bit difficult because of my work hours. Instead of 5 small meals, I'll do 2 small meals and one big meal late at night and sometimes an extra small meal if it's not too late. Breakfast (10am) is usually Manna Bread with peanut/almond butter and jelly and 2 big cups of coffee. Lunch (2pm) is usually at work so it's a salad from the salad bar, chinese lunch special, or Thai lunch special depending on my mood. Dinner (9pm) at home is something like broiled chicken, brown rice, and steamed bok choy. If it's not too late (before midnight), I might make an omelette, french fries, or stuff in the pantry.

I go to My Organic Market for everything except meat. They don't have a meat/butcher section. I get the rest of my meat at either Whole Foods or a local Halal meat market.

PLEASE list grocery stores you go to in the D.C. area or Arizona area. I have many friends that are looking for good places to shop!


At 9:22 PM, Blogger Francis Pineda said...

So I go to Whole Foods and they're selling organic spinach for .99 cents a bunch. This stuff is normally 6.99/lb. there, so I stock up. I like steamed or sauteed spinach.

2 days later I notice my teeth get really sensitive. I figured maybe my all-natural toothpaste was failing me. A little deduction and I find out it's OXALATES that are released in cooked spinach.... Check this out.

You can actually get stones from it.... who woulda thunk.

At 6:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey man,
Just wondering if you've seen
lots of anti-dairy stuff there...

At 12:20 PM, Blogger Francis Pineda said...

Yeah dude.... I checked on that link. Pretty interesting stuff there.

Funny how you were initially googling stuff to challenge my intro statement, "That's stupid, milk is good for you."

My friend Don was describing to me what milk looks like straight from the cow... in the bucket. He said...pretty gross. Blood and puss all mixed in with the milk.

I'll have to re-think milk in general. I'm drinking goat's milk now because it needs no homogonization.

BTW, the director of NIHA, Told me that soy milk... in any form.. organic, not, raw.... is not good for humans because it is a false estrogen.

I know there have been a lot of statements saying it was bad for infants. Me... I was only using it to add to my coffee. I don't use it anymore.

P.S. Mark, hurry up and read my book, I wanna look up more stuff.

At 10:54 PM, Blogger Francis Pineda said...

I was looking for something new to try at My Organic Market and I bought Goji berries. From the Himalayas and eaten by the monks....

I found this interesting article on a ma that lived over 200 years old... supposedly.

At 6:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Francis!
Im not sure but I think Christi served me a tuna caserole last night that was over 200 years old.
I don't think even a monk would have eatten it. That can't be healthy can it?

RJ Johnson
(In Gilbert Az)

At 12:51 PM, Blogger Francis Pineda said...

I never thought I'd pay $2.99 for a bottle of water (unless I was at a concert or a ball game). But I was reading the label of some bottled water at Safeway (thier new health conscious area) and came across this:

Natural mineral water 2.2 miles deep and pH 9.6.....

Just gotta find a cheaper place to get it!

At 2:27 AM, Blogger Francis Pineda said...

SHANE! It's great to hear from you! I'm always there to help my buds. I'm glad the BLOG helped inspire you. Do things gradually.... and ask me if you need any help or have any questions!

At 10:46 AM, Blogger Francis Pineda said...

I sent an e-mail to Whole Foods. I asked them where all their xpired produce and meat goes. I know that the meat get repackaged into preseasoned items like, "Cajun Salmon", and produce might get made into salsa.... so I just asked where the leftovers went, or if they were thrown away.... I got a response from the manager of my local Whole Foods:


Our produce does end up in a number of places. Although some does end up thrown out, we do donate it to homeless shelters that have services to pick it up several times a week. We also turn some ripe fruit/veggies not fit for appearance on the shelves into sampling demos and prepack/ovenready meat and seafood dishes. We do our best to find good homes for it and not be wasteful retailers.

Rob H. ( Produce Team Leader/Arlington )

At 12:39 PM, Blogger Francis Pineda said...

Ok... So when I eat out, I always like to try something exotic and new. I went to an Ethiopian restaurant and had a dish called: Gored Gored... Raw Beef in a honey, spices mix.... It was really tasty and I'm a fan of rare beef anyway... (I always tell the waitress, "Rare... so a good vet can still save it")

Well... since I know exactly what goes in my body and when it leaves, I can experiment on myself as far as the effects....

The next day.... I was woosy big time. I took a nap around 10am and another at about 1pm. And I never take naps. I was lethargic.... and I got a bunch of new zits on my face.

My hypothesis... My body was spending ALOT of energy digesting that food... At the time I was drowsy, I think it was just passing from my small intestine to my large. A major lump of raw beef in my gut. I think the zits came from my body trying to expell the impurities in raw meat...

Also.... I STANK! To vegetarians and vegans, meat eaters stink. I went to the fridge to get some water and smelled really bad BO out of nowehre... I thought it might be something on the bottle, so I chucked it and got a different one. Still there.... And my breath... 2 minutes after brushing my teeth.... BAD...

Expelled most of it 24 hours later and I think the rest 36 hours later.... back to normal...

At 3:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My grandparents own a 150 head dairy farm in central washington. I remember the first time I saw milk straight from a cow in a bucket. It was the nastiest crap I had ever seen. If I came across this bucket after 2 days in the Phoenix sun, I would still think twice about drinking it. It is full of clotted blood and a WHOLE LOT thicker than anythig you are used to.

Being that it is a dairy farm they have no need for huge cows, so they do not atest to knowingly giving the cows hormones, but they defintely get antibiotics and vaccinations. The fields that the cows graze in are also sprayed with pesticides and herbicides. So those are then transfer to us.


At 3:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello sir,

This is Derek, just checking out your blog. It'll probably rehash some of your research, but John Robbins' "Diet for a New America" was a particularly excellent book on the food (manufacturing) industry. New e-mail at yahoo; coldautumn83.

Congratulations on picking up the condo in Clarendon, extremely convenient location :)



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