Thursday, October 20, 2005

Everything Else

This is where I'll post stuff in relation to the BLOG that doesn't directly pertain to diet or exercise.

I decided to start with the stuff I have in my bathroom. It's DEFINITELY very different from what my bathroom looked like a year ago. It was basically Crest, Centrum, Irish Spring, and Shampoo from the dollar store. Every once in a while, I'll look around and think to myself, "Man, I'm glad I'm secure with my own sexuality", because it definitely comes off as metrosexual

This is pretty much everything in my bathroom

Digestive Enzymes
Lip Balm

Soaps (I'm not exactly sure why I have so much soap):
Bar Soap
Shower Gel
Hand Soap
Bath Soap

Water Filters:
Shower Filter
Kitchen Water Filter

Hair Care:
Hair Goop

Medicine Cabinet:
Wellness Mix
Chelated Zinc
Milk Thistle - Liver Detox
Chlorella - Heavy Metal Detox
Arnica - Ibuprophen Replacement
Arnica Gel - Ben Gay Replacement
Tiger Balm - Thousand year old formula!

I did some research on some of the products I use. Most of the time, I just read the labels. Sometimes, I just chose the cheaper of the choices. A few things did stick out, regardless of what you choose.

- Nothing with Propylene Glycol. Of course, nothing chemical at all, but that especially.
- When you buy zinc, use the chelated version. It allows for better absorbtion and efficiency.
- Vitamins should be FOOD based. The brand I use is actually also organic.

Click Here to learn about Propylene Glycol and other cancer causing personal products
** I usually don't like to link to sites that try to push or sell their products, but this link had alot of facts on 1 page. Let it be know that I probably wouldn't buy any of these Neways products since I don't know anything about them or the comapny's reputation.
Click Here to read a Q&A on cancer risks with personal care products

Online is the way to go. If you go to a health/wellness shop and buy that stuff, you'll pay out the nose. Vitacost can put everything in 1 box for only $4.99 shipping.


At 11:22 AM, Blogger Francis Pineda said...

This may be far out and too new agey for you... but the next time you have a few minutes to spare... go to Barnes and Nobles and sit and read a few excepts from:

The Edgar Cayce Companion

You can skip all the stuff on Atlantis, Christianity, etc.... But read some of the topics on health and diet.

At 8:32 PM, Blogger Francis Pineda said...

I saw an episode of "ER" on NBC. This woman brought her son in because he had problems breathing.

She said... I never immunized the kids, I don't believe in that.

They X-Rayed the kid against his mother's wishes and found out he had pneumonia, but with no white blood cell count.

The kid had AIDS. It was passed down from his mother. She had it and passed it down. She never took medication herself that could've prevented it passing down to the children (she also had a daughter that was healthy at the time).

She never took medication after being diagnosed with AIDS and started ranting about the conspiricy between the government and the relationship between AIDS and HIV.

John Lequizamo (he plays a great doctor) proceeded to chew her out...

My opinion.... this vegan extremeist is flat out irresponsible.

Here is a website I found that may be where she got all the ideas about vaccinations:

It's pretty far out there.

At 11:07 AM, Blogger Francis Pineda said...

Ok... I'm totally intrigued by this company and colon cleanse product.

Family owned herbalist company based out of MA.

They have a colon cleanse kit that's costs $90. I think I might try it. If I think it does what it claims, I'll post it on the Main Topic. But you have to see these pictures:

It's litteraly "vile shit"


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